
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bench session from Hell

Just put me to sleep

warm up: light DB/Band movements

Incline Bench: Bar x 20
               95 x 10
               135 x 2 x 5
               195 x 5
               225 x 4
               265 x 3
               300 x 2
               340 X 1

From the first set I knew something was up. As I had committed on my post regarding my last squat session something didnt "feel right" more accurately I didnt fell right. Tonight it hit me like a sledge hammer. From my first set to my last heavy set I was dealing with a cold sweat. After my last set I damn near took a nose dive and had to rush to the restroom to blow chow....

Always taste better the second time!!!

I'm sure the other members of the local YMCA enjoyed the sound .

Most , sane people would have called it...But, Ive never been known for having any common scenes. So I proceeded to do one more set before I called it quits.

         300 x 6....Definitely not what I was gunning for, all things considered I take it gladly. This finally set definitely knocked my Dick in the fucking dirt.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Changing squat form..maybe

Since ive been back at lifting ive adopted a medium squat stance... With my feet pretty much in line with my shoulders or a little past. Which in retrospect is wide considering how I use to squat in my younger days. Since I tended to squat High bar Olympic style. I came across this article recently by Jamie Lewis of Chaos and Pain

It made several good points in my opinion....To the point I actually tried going extra wide once on one of my heavier sets. It felt awkward , mainly due to the fact Ive never really gone wide..BUT  I actually felt like my hips and glutes were actually getting more involved in the lift. Not to mention it seemed to take a few inches off of how far I traveled to hit parallela.

                                                                                       Stan Efferding squatting with a wide squat raw

                                                                                                       Another example

At this point going into my next Meet I will pretty much stay with my current stance. After which I will spent some time and experiment with a wider stance.

Sunday, July 29, 2012



Warm up: PVC pipe light stretching

Squat: Bar x 2 x 10
       135 x 2 x 5
       225 x 3
       270 x 5
       320 x 4
       375 x 3
       430 x 2
       510 x 1....Didn't feel light but it didnt feel heavy
       430 x 3...Ill be honest something just didnt feel right at all on this set .I payed attention and actually listened and racked it.

Well, I went ahead and called it. Probably going to do a little work tomorrow to make it up.

On a side not .... Two local boys both around 8 years old whom plays on are local Youth Football league were ridding their bikes. They stopped by the open overhead garage door and watched me squat.
would you look at that.....

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Upper Back stuff

T bar rows: 6 x 10 x 4- 45's@ 25
Pull downs: 3 x 10 x Some weight
Shrugs: worked up to 605 x 3/ 335 x 20
Pulls to throat: 2 x 20 x some weight

Not a bad little session. A little sore this morning nothing major. But ,my hands are feeling pretty stiff from the rowing and pull downs. Not so much from the shrugs since its the only thing I actual use straps for.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bull pup...kicking ass

Well they are having a Lifting championship at the school my son attends for the Football team.

Bull pup came in at a massive 137 lbs at 14 years old

He ended  up putting up

Bench 160 lbs
squat 225 lbs....Coach got on him for going too deep LOL

Tomorrow they are maxing on power cleans.

One more week

Well , I got another week of training to go before Ill take a planned break of at least a week of zero lifting to allow things to recharge.After which ill move into Meet prep mode for the N.A.S.A Ohio Regional

I definitely need the break , between stress due to family issues and just horrible work conditions. For the record I work in a place thats a foundry and when you add the extreme temps we've been having this year it does take a toll.

Definitely noticing all the warning signs of a needed break for myself. Increased fatigue, isomnia, slight increase in joint pain and decrease in motivation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bench session

Warm up: Light DB and band movements

Incline Bench: bar x 20
               95 x 10
               135 x 2 x 5
               170 x 5
               210 x 4
               245 x 3
               280 x 2
               330 x 3.....Was only scheduled to do a single got stupid.
               280 x 10

Flat DB Presses: 100 x 13/8.....fried from inclines

SBTNP: 2 x 8-10 X some weight

Skull crushers: ( straight bar) 135 x 8...elbows were overly sore so I played it smart and called it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


There isnt nothing like good music to train too.Here a few tunes that gets me going.
More latter...............

Squat session

Warm up: pvc pipe
         light stretching
         tread mill 10 minutes

Squat : Bar x 3 x 10
        135 x 2 x 5
        185 x 3
        270 x 5
        320 x 4
        375 x 3
        430 x 2
        480 x 1
        430 x 7....ugh Left a rep or two in tank, Still for some reason felt nauseous and had to run outside a blow chow .

GHR: 40 total reps

Band crunches: 5 x 15

Well like the past few sessions i felt pretty tight in the hips . My form is off a little due to it, I'm paying the price for not paying as much attention keeping the lower half mobile.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Light pulls / upper back

Speed deads: 60 % Max 15 sets of 1

Seated cable rows : 2 x 20 x 200

Pull downs : 3 x 8 x SW

Trap bar shrugs: 2 x 20 x 315

Didn't feel like pulling Heavy tonight.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bad ass Bench session

Warm up:Light db and band movements.

Incline Bench: Bar x 20
               95 x 10
               135 x 2 x 5
               170 x 5
               205 x 4
               245 x 3
               280 x 2
               320 x 1
               365 x 1....Not planned, had a wild hair. It was ugly and a grinder. BUT!! I'm pretty sure it was a actual P.R. As in I don't remember ever going that heavy on Inclines in my younger days. 
               285 x 10

Flat DB press: 100 x 17/ 100 x 8

BTNP: 2 x 12 X SW

Skull crushers: 145 x 10 / 145 x 8

WOW!!Pretty happy over the session .NOW if only my suck ass Squats or Deads would take the hint...I'm starting to feel like some FUCKING one trick pony.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Planned deloads or just sitting on your ass doing nothing

Deloading. Point blank I am not a fan! I do understand the reasoning for it. Most familiar with the term  know the basic drill. Pretty much it has become customary in certain circles  to train 3 weeks then take the fourth off. The reason for is, to help with recovery and warding off over training.,along with preventing mental burn out. It is a great concept. Trust me; I am all about telling people about the need for proper recovery. I am the first one to explain to someone that in the gym is where you stimulate your body. While being outside of it is where you body does the necessary things to grow and get stronger.  But in all honesty in my opinion a large percentage of people whom are new too weight training isn't even scratching the service of becoming over trained. Honestly if they are somehow then what they are doing is ignorant and stupid. Regarding the mental burn out thing I have a hard time buying into that one also. Again most average or new lifters aren't going to suffer from mental burn out. If they are after a hand full of weeks then they are involved in the wrong fucking activity. Or they are just some damn pussy.

My issue is ever since 5/3/1 it seems that it has become popular for everyone and their brother to deloads. Not just from guys that follow 5/3/1 but it seems allot of newer programs are following some sort of planned deload. [Before you devoted bastard get your panties in a bunch I am not knocking 5/3/1 or Wendler himself]. Excluding 5/3/1, again this isn't about 5/3/1. I'm seeing more and more program designers are using some sort of planned deload. With these planned deloads normally all around the magical fourth week. To me it seems that deloading is becoming a nice little band aid for some of these guys. Instead of writing out programs which modulates volume and intensity smartly. Which might allow for longer progression period before a break is needed. There just dropping in a deload to cover possible flaws in that area.

This is all well and good. But the down side of deloading is for that period of time, someone is not actually providing any training stimulation. Yes you might be doing something, but the bottom line is more active recovery then actually training. That where the issue lies with me. Look at it this way. A person lifts for three weeks then they deload for a week. If one would look at the big picture, in a year a person would be on a deload period a total of 12 weeks. So for almost 3 months out of the year that person is honesty not doing anything to stimulate gains. Psychologically I have a hard time with that one.

Another problem with planned deloads in programs that there are too many variables to consider. One person might be able to train hard for eight weeks and have no visible signs of diminished performance. Yet another person might only be able to deal with training for two weeks. Obviously, physical age would play a factor along with other controllable aspects of recovery such as sleep nutrition training volume frequency and intensity.  So for me telling someone they need to deload at this given time just seems odd.  On another note I find it very hard to consider even worrying about using a planned deload for someone whom is fairly young and is just starting out. Why would you have too in the first place? They don’t have the ability to tap into their strength reserves fully in the first place. There’s a big difference between a 800 lbs squatter using 80% + on squats compared to a beginner whom is using the same % with a sub 200 lbs max.

I am really starting to find it amusing what I'm starting to see on line.  I’ve notice a growing trend when someone complains about their gains or I should say lack of. 9 times out of 10 the one complaining is a weak fuck or a total newbie. Someone always seems to suggest that person needs to take a deload. Really, are you fucking kidding me? Out of all the possible variables that could be the issue, Poor eating, and sleep habits. Or, that person just has a plain old terrible program. Or the person just sucks! I ask, how does an actual deload cure that?  MY answer is that it fucking doesn’t!!  Somehow it seems to fall back on the notion of the dreaded overtraining bug.

Personally, at this point for myself I have found that I progress better without deloading.  Personally, I would much rather be doing a routine which allows me to train consistent for a long period of time before having to take a short break. I’ve found for myself that if I’m training sensibly and not trying to knock my dick in the dirt every session. I don’t need to download very often if at all. Case in point for my last Meet I ran a 9 week cycle with zero deload and ended up stronger for it.


For the record I’m not saying a person shouldn’t deload. Obviously it’s going to depend on how a person is training volume, intensity and so forth. I’m just saying I’m just not a fan of deloading and that I’ve found for myself I done better without them.  If I’m actually feeling beat up and need too ill take time off .But the notion of having those times preprogrammed into a program at my current level makes zero since to me personally.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Below average squat session...

Well.....that sucked.

Warm up : Yep

Squat: Bar x 3 x 10
       135 x 3 x 5
       185 x 3
       240 x 5
       295 x 4
       350 x 3
       400 x 2
       470 x 1
       400 x 8...CRAP


Pretty much knew going into it this morning the session wasnt going to be very productive. I already planned on not doing any pulling today and doing them later on this week. Since im not in Meet mode im giving myself some leeway. For some reason my hips felt tight as hell and I pretty much had next too zero "POP" out of the hole.The only bright side was that this session was slightly better then last week ,but that not saying much.Out of a five point scale id give it a 2.5 and thats being generous.

Friday, July 13, 2012

arm stuff...yawn

I'm so excited I could just shit.

Super set: arm curls: 3 x 10 x some weight
           Push downs: 3 x 12 x some weight

That was all nothing to write home about.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Upper back slaughter

T-Bar:6 x 10 x 4plates plus 25lbs

Pull downs: 3 x 8 x some weight

Shrugs: worked up to 565 x 3/ 345 x 20

Pulls to throat: 2 x 20 x some weight

Really kicked up the volume tonight.  I really want to take the opportunity  too really hit the upper back since this is sorta a off season period. I have around a month before I go into my peaking cycle.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bull pup....uh oh

I was surprised today the kid I started working with Monday showed up for another session. What surprised me more that my oldest got on the bench and repped 135 for 5 no problem and had a few left in him . Its official I believe he now is ahead of me at that age....Oh Shit , I'm afraid Alpha dog status is in danger in a few years.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bench Session

Warm up: Light DB and band movements

Incline bench: Bar x20
                        95 x 10
                        135 x 2 x 5
                        150 x 5
                        190 x 4
                        225 x 3
                        265 x 2
                        310 x 1
                        265 x 14.....Ugh did these suck tonight. At least I match last weeks session

Flat Db presses: 2 x 10 x 100......SUCKED

Standing BTN: 2 x 10 x Some weight

Skull crushers: 1 x 10 x 135....thats all she wrote

Got hit with a bug last night, felt like crap most of the day. Wasn't a killer session by any stretch of the imagination. Luckily it wasn't total crap.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bulldog philosophy part 1

Part 1

Probably, the biggest problem I ran into when I started back at training a hand full of years ago was that I shelved idea and concepts that actually worked for me. The reason for which was due to the fact that was suffering information overload caused by too much time reading on the internet.  My progress has been stagnated until I actually started thinking for myself and trusting on my own knowledge and experience and sat down and stuck with my own philosophies which had worked for me in the past. So if you don’t agree with what I’m saying…..That’s your issue, this is about concepts regarding training which have worked for me.

get over yourself.......

 Use training economy as a staple, Translation. Use movements that give you the most bang for your buck Im talking compound movements. Bench, Squats, Deads or cleans, overhead pressing or a close variation of these lifts  , along with a few other secondary movements such as dips ,chins rows……

 Keep your volume reasonable to only what you need to get the job done. It doesn’t take allot of working sets to work a muscle group or a lift.  As Lee Haney former Mr. .Olympian said “stimulate don’t annihilate”.

 Limit your frequency to only what you need to get the job done; a person doesn’t need to be in the gym every day to get results. This holds even more so when you get stronger. Basic concept, you go to the gym to stimulate gains outside of it is where you actually grow and get stronger.

 Deloading is overrated.

 Start off light in your programming sounds strange but you have to start some where .

  A Persons strength can ebb and flow over a specific period of time and your not going to be 100% all the time.

 I’ve found from reading guys approach like Jim Wendler and Paul Carter that generally leaving a rep or two for your heaviest sets is best , you can recover belter from it and it help wards off mental fatigue.

 Use the lifts to build the lift. Use assistance to build musculature involved in the lift.

Weak point training for an unequipped lifter is crap. You just need to think about getting stronger.

 You can’t serve two masters. You can’t get “big and ripped” at the same time. Unless people are getting “Extra assistance” or you’re a God damn genetic Freak!!!  Your average person is going to have to pick one or the other. Otherwise you just end up sucking at both.

Have a reason for everything you do in training.

K.I.S.S (Keep .It .Simple .Stupid) training for most shouldn’t be complicated.

Part 2 coming soon…..

Squat/pull session

Hell aint got shit on The Dog pound right now!!
Warm up : Pvc pipe
          light stretching

Squat : Bar x 2 x 10
        135 x 2 x 5
        185 x 3
        240 x 5
        295 x 5
        350 x 3
        400 x 2
        455 x 1
        400 x 6.....The Heat pretty much kicked the crap out of me couldnt even get close to what I was good for.

With the Heat index close to 100 degrees with next to zero air flow in the garage ,My ass was beginning kicked
I had to take a slight break between squatting and pulling of around 15 - 20 minutes because of some slight cramping in my legs. Had to down some extra fluids.

4 " inch block pulls: 135 x 2 x 5
                      225 x 5
                      275 x 3
                      330 x 2
                      385 x 1
                      415 x 1

Deads from floor: 5 sets x 3 x 305

Elevated stiff legs : 225 x 10

Standing band crunches: 5 x 15

I'm playing around with Paul Carters of Lift -Run - Bang, block dead lift program he designed. Thank God it starts out pretty light other wise I don't think I would have finished it today.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Super set: EZ bar curls: 3 x 10 x SW
                 Tri push downs: 3 x 15 - 20 x SW

I figured I would do some arm work real quick to make up for skipping any direct bicep work yesterday. Added in some triceps just to get some blood in the area.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Upper back work for me and squatting for the pup.

Warm up : PVC rolling upper and lower back

T Bar rows: 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10 , 4 plates x 4 x 10 **
Pull-downs: 4 x 8 x Some weight
Shrugs: 2 x 10 x 405, 315 x 20
Pulls to throat: 2 x 20 x some weight

** I wore a belt on the T bar rows to hopefully cut down on fatiguing my lower back. Since im trying to save it for this weekend when I squat and dead.

I just ran the exact same session from where we ended .......
Squat: Bar x 10
            80 x 5
             100 x 5
             120 x 5
             130 x 5
             150 x 5
             170 x 8.....WTF!!!...Form was shit!!!

Pull ups: 5/4/3/2/1/10....slight improvement
Dips : 5/4/3/2/1/20.....slight improvement

This was my first chance to work with my boy since he started lifting with the football team a little over a month wasn't good. His squats have become a SHIT SHOW!!!! His form was totally fucked up since none of the coaches are actually working with the kids on form. Had to spend time working on his form again, hes picked up some bad habits in the past few weeks over at the school. Several of his warm up sets seem hard for him. Ive also got a feeling his bench is going to be in the toilet also since the coaches are having the players doing board presses instead of regular bench. The only bright side is that his dips and pull-ups are up.....which doesn't mean shit.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bench session

warm up: DB/band movements

Incline: bar x 20
         95 x 10
         135 x 2 x 5
         150 x 5
         190 x 4
         225 x 3
         265 x 2
         300 x 1
         265 x 14.....ehh,maybe one left in the tank

Flat DB presses: 100 x 15/12....little rusty

BTN Press: 2 x 10 x Some weight .....starting to notice more mobility in my shoulders.

Skull crushers : 2 x 10 x 135

Well I decided to play with inclines for the next few weeks until I jump back into peaking mode in mid August. I just feel a need to get away from flat benching to give myself a break mentally.Besides im getting bored with flat benching right now.If I didnt have another Meet coming up in October I would be focusing my energy towards overhead pressing.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Geat God Damn Stronger!!

Tom Platz " The Golden Eagle" Was once reported to have squatted 315 x 50 in a session
Quick note, this little article was inspired by a post I seen in the beginner section of a well known internet site. Since I had made it my policy is not to comment on any post outside of the forum I was posting in on regular bases. So, I didn’t bother to reply on it. So this is the reply I would have like to have posted if I had. Besides, all the so called experts added their two cents worth and ive already have stated my opinion regarding internet message experts several post ago.

"I don't want to get stronger, I just want to get bigger. ", and this was the remark in the post that raised my eyebrow... Its often amuses me when you tell someone to get stronger they reply with. "I just want to get big I don't want to get strong." I am always left thinking what the Hell. When did gaining size become exclusive from gaining strength? Honestly, people are for some reason assuming when you mention getting stronger a person is referring to developing maximal strength. Of course over time developing maximum size and maximum strength do become separate things. Which require slightly different approaches, from my experience that isn't the case for beginners. Regardless even for advance lifters strength and size are interlinked regardless what certain people believe.

I'm not going to bore you with the going into great details regarding the mechanics of muscle growth. Nor bore you with discussion muscle fiber type’s .Since most reading this, hopefully has a general understanding of the process. Basically you apply a specific stress on your muscular system. Which force the body in an act of self defense to increase the size of one’s muscle fibers.

Now Ill be the first to admit that Training exclusively for a 1Rm max using low reps isn't the most efficient way to develop maximal size.  But even then for the majority it still holds value. It has been pretty well established that in the long run using more of a moderated to higher rep range. Which can range from 6 up to twenty depending on the individual response . The increase in rep range will  allows for longer time under tension added with a little more volume. This to a certain degree allows for more muscle fiber recruitment more so then lower rep approach. Of course when I state this people tend to assume that this means using light weight along with more sets then I care to say. This couldn't be further from the truth. I like to use this analogy. If you take someone that is underdeveloped who can bench only 85 pounds for 10 reps. if this person would stick with it and works hard finally gets to the point where he can perform 315 pounds for 10 reps. Would that person bigger? Would they have developed a significant amount of muscle mass compared to what the use to have? Well yes DUH.

I know someone out there is going to point out and say something stupidly to me like. Well IFBB pro [insert name] doesn't worry about being strong. The reason for this is, they don't have to worry. Understand between the Test, HGH, and insulin and Anti catabolic compounds. Theoretically they could use a 10lbs dumbbell and stimulate muscle gain. First I really don't care what the current crop of Pro bodybuilder has to say about training. Unless, of course it’s advising about the actual dosage are for whatever compound they might be using. Besides,, in my view there nothing less inspiring then seeing some three hundred pound mass monster, using fifty pounds on a push down. On top of that I defiantly do not care what the fan boys whom live and die by what their idols preach. Bottom line, you're not an IFBB pro then like 99% of the people in the world. The ugly truth is that you or any beginner has nothing in common what so ever with these mass monsters. Guess what. More than likely you're going to have to actual concern yourself with trying to move progressively heavier loads. That is if you actually want to reach your own size potential. Now you might not agree with what I'm saying, which is fine with me; feel free on working on your pump and putting your mind in your muscles.

You might ask, "How do I get strong? ", "Seriously?" First off I will say it sure doesn't involve cable cross over’s and worrying about your upper pectoral development along with spending 90% of your time doing Triceps kick backs.. You're going to have to Push, Press and squats or some close variation of them along with a few movements such as dips, chins. .That should be the Meat and potatoes of almost anyone’s routine if their focus is to actual develop any size or strength. Why you ask? Because large compound movements will give you more bang for the buck. This allows people  to move more weight and in return forces your body to recruit more muscle fibers to accomplish the job you ask of ones body. On top of this compound movements when worked hard with enough intensity will stimulate the body to grow more so then isolation movements.
<><> <><> <><>
average gym member

<><> <><> <><>
Tad Arcidi first man to bench over 700 in competetion

Unfortunately, most of your average gym rats avoid most compound movements, except for the bench press. The majority spend their time focusing on curls and isolated movements. Now people can gain some muscle size doing this, Individuals whom do ,,are normally are beginners who honestly will make gains regardless of what ever approach the use. Sooner or latter these same individual progress will stall and they end up frustrated. Look around at your local gym, you will see a beginner whom makes good progress with zero regards about getting stronger. Eventually they will   hit a wall and start noticing a decline in their progress. They will start to over analysis things and then try every routine they can find and still not make gain. I’ve seen these people at the Local YMCA I belong to, whom have been trying but haven’t improves at all in the spans of a year. When in my opinion if that person would focus on just getting a little stronger would probably reboot their gains.

They seem to understand

   Part of the reason people seem to shy away from basic movements and focusing on getting stronger. For one Basic movements that allow a individual to move heavy weight relative to  the individual, is hard work.. Now of days people make excuses not to do them. Look at one of the most productive exercises most people could do the Squat. But people find excuses not to do them. I might hurt my back or my knee and their dangerous. I’m not going to bullshit and lie about it..getting stronger is hard and it isn’t easy. The last thing your body wants to do is adapt it would much prefer to stay the same and not expend the energy.  But the bottom line is most people are just too lazy and don’t have the grit to actual do them with enough intensity to get results.

Now for you that are interested, you might ask what kind of program I should use. You’re going to use a simple program which will allow you to move more weight in some progressive fashion over time. While also stressing how important compound movements are. There is no reason a program should be super complex…Majority of people don’t need to have one so complex that they need to have a PHD to run it.

I'm going to be blunt here. If the program you might be using doesn't allow you to increase your actual max or increase the weight you are using for whatever rep range called for; over a reasonable period of time. Then the program is worthless. A person might want to consider rethinking what they are doing. Don't believe me? As I pointed out above, Look at your average gym member, the Majority will keep doing the same thing over and over again never trying to actually increase there poundage’s. With the majority of these poor bastards not improving, one damn bit after years of doing the same thing.