
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Worth reading

I wrote up a Meet write up for  Paul Carters blog.

Write off.

I've got a feeling that this week training might be a write off. This is due to current health issues of my father.At this point these issues have really taken a toll on my motivation and mind set. Not to mention the actual physical toll its starting to have on me due to the stress and increase demand on my time. So im saying that It will be doubtful that I will get any serious lifting in this week at this point.Of course this is part of being an adult and having to priorities whats important. In the scheme of things training is a hobby as such its being put on the back burner for more important things.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Squat session


Warm up: Pvc pipe
         light stretching
         Band GM's standing ab crunches

Squats: Bar x 2 x 10
        135 x 2 x 5
        215 x 5
        270 x 4
        320 x 3
        375 x 2
        445 x 1
        375 x 12......Ugh, Like always anything over 10 reps on squats ,the limiting factor becomes my actual conditioning and not a strength issue. I had more in me but I was sucking air.

I had to cut things short because I had a late start. Had to go up to Indianapolis To pick my sister at the airport whom flew in for my fathers surgery tomorrow.


Glute Ham Raises: 40 total reps

Standing Band crunches: 5 x 15

Tread mill: 3 mph @ 1% incline for 30 minutes.

Well , I'm at a cross road right now. I am going to have to change things up regarding the Squat and Dead lift. Due to the slow recovery time of my spinal erectors. Either I can combine squats and deads on the same day again. I can rotate them , one week squat then dead lift the next. The bottom line is at this point going by a 7 day period I'm forced to realize again that I can  no longer recover fast enough, doing them both heavy in that time period without impacting one or the other.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Introduction for the Bullpup

I have two sons my oldest whom just turned 14 just 10 days ago and my youngest who will be turning 13 in July. This  post is about the oldest whom is known by some in my previous blog as the Bullpup. Pretty much I cant say anything negative regarding him.Other then hes a teenager and has the attitude to match. He finished up his last year of Jr.High with a 4.0 and was accepted into the Jr. Honor Society. At this point he  is  planning on going to college to study either physical therapy or going into one of the sports sciences.

What a goof ball....

Hes a fairly decent student athlete. Excelling in wrestling and now at throwing discus in Track along with being a so so Fullback and middle linebacker in Football.

                                                                                                                           My bad he was 16-2

On The down side depending on your point of view hes starting to becoming a Meat head in Training.

Hamming it up for the camera

Little freak
Do I really want to get him bigger and stronger?
Might as well.......

Yes ,this post was me more or less Bragging about my oldest. But , Hell its my blog and Ill do what I damn well please. As this blog progress I will keep every one update on his training progress

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Odds and ends.

warm up : a little

Standing Behind the Neck press: *

Skull crushers : 4 x 10 x 100 ...short rest between sets

Straight bar arm curls: 3 x 10 x **

* Id rather not post the numbers on these at this point. The fact is I do have a ego which isn't a good thing right now. Because , I'm just getting the feel for these again and my shoulder mobility is improving. If I was to post my numbers I would find myself trying to add weight to the bar to fast. Ill go into more detail about this later.

** Buy chance if you've never read my log over at T-Nation. I HATE direct bicep work!!!! Unfortunately , I'm of the belief that strong biceps are important for a RAW bencher in the eccentric portion of the lift. For what ever reason I don't get allot of carryover to my biceps's from any type of rowing movement like some do.

Well that sums it up.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First Dead session since Meet

Warm up : PVC pipe
                 Light stretching

Rack pulls 2 inches below knee: 135 x 2 x 5
                                                     225 x 5
                                                     275 x 5
                                                     330 x 3
                                                      385 x 2
                                                      440 x 1
                                                      495 x 1
                                                      525 x 0.......At the last moment I decided against it

SS Bar squats : 2 x 5 x 315...Sank the  bastards  ATG

T Bar row: 3 x 10 x 4 plates

Shrugs : 315 x 30

More or less tonight was a shit show. Going into it I knew it was going to just suck major ass. Mentally I just was into it nor was my old beat up carcass. So I played it safe and let off the gas.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Crushed ego

Well I got a rude reminder yesterday at the local YMCA, that in today’s society how appearance means everything. I went to the Y to bench since I’ve taken a likening to incline benching as part of my routine.

Well at any rate I was watching between sets one of the fellow members I know. He was benching which he always does with the same weight. He’s been doing this for three years; He worked up to 300 lbs for a single for his top set. Then an interested thing happen two guys in their late 30’s started talking to him I was close enough to overhear it.  They were both action what he did was the most amazing thing they ever saw. They had this complete look of aw on their face. Then they started asking him for bench advice.

Now the kicker in all this…no more than 10 minutes earlier I was on the bench next to him and put up 295 for 14 I might not be a smart man , but I’m pretty sure that might be a little more impressive.. With these same guys around ……

The guy who was doing the benching is my height smaller framed and weighs 180lbs. I’ll give credit where its do he’s got a got set of arms defined not massive by Bodybuilding standards plus he’s in good shape. I know it sounds petty on my part, but for some reason it bugged the hell out of me. Because, I’ve had guys come up to me before at the Y and asked me advice. (Which I no longer do) Then when I did   give it the person in question doesn’t do it because the smaller and weaker guys in the corner with the six packs said I was wrong. I guess since I’m not all stream line and “Buff” and look more like a Mountain Gorilla my intelligence must match. I guess to get any respect I guess I need to drop some body mass and stop lifting Heavy stuff. Yeah, like I would really do that to earn respect from   fellow Y members!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bench session

Warm up: Light DB /Band movements

Bench: Bar x20
            95 x 10
            135 x 2 x 5
            170 x 5
            210 x 4
            250 x 3
            290 x 2
            330 x 1
            290 x 14... had a rep left in me.

Incline bench: 255 x 8 / 225 x 3.....I sorta ran the tank dry on the back off set on regular bench

Standing BTN: 2 x 10 x Some Weight....     I'm not going to even post the amount since it was so low.

Skull crushers : 2 x 8- 10 x SW

Not to bad , all things considered.First Bench session since the Meet , im still not feeling 100% . Probably by next week Ill be more into the swing of it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The insanity of internet message boards

  Part of the motivational force which has motivated me to start my own personal blog separate from established training message boards, Has been brought about by contempt for the current cluster fuck state of most training oriented message boards.

The concept of message boards in theory is a great concept in itself.  This allows different groups of like minded people from different locations to be able to share their experience without the hindrance of distance in this process allowing, hopefully creating a large pool of knowledge which hopefully all can benefit from. Unfortunately message boards do start this way, but in a few cases they degenerate into a collection of ignorance.

The ability for one to be able to express their view point and experience at least in the context of training is a good thing. Unfortunately in the current context on message boards it gives everyone a voice. Even if that individual would be completely ignored in a real world situation.

                                                                                                         Let me tell you how to get Jacked.

Training Message boards to a certain extent has done more to erode the concept of “The iron Brotherhood” more than anything else in my humble opinion.  Due to the petty nature of certain people arguments and fights erupting over training methods, diets and over individual’s preference over what avenue one takes in the Iron Game. All instigated by Keyboard warriors and Trolls whom hide behind mask of animosity.  People who spend more time debating the subject being nothing more than arm chair experts. They spend more time and energy doing this then actually participating in the actually activity.To make the whole issue more destructive, these self appointed experts do nothing more than spewing second hand knowledge in most cases. They read what more experienced and successful lifters have written and repeat it. Without fully grasping the concepts and ideas without testing their merits, just to make them seem more knowledgeable. This just pollutes the original concept presented by the original person.
                                                                                                                Yeah BABY !!

Bottom line is allot of these fools need to just understand. They need to just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!For whatever reason, most people think just because they might have lifted a few weights be it in a gym class or spent a few weeks doing it sporadically at a local gym. That somehow for that reason they see themselves as experts. Which enforce their belief that their opinion should have the same amount of clout as anyone .  The Internet is full of this entitlement mentality.
 Case in point watch the video below from You Tube then look at the comments people make to defend the authenticity of it. The level of ignorance floors me to the point it’s comical in my mind. To make it more humors, depending on your point of view. I’m sure some of these experts have probably shared their vast knowledge on Message boards along with many corners of the internet.

Who likes Kool -Aid? If you do there is plenty to go around on line. It’s amazing how when certain segment of the message board community gravitates to a new training style or principle, the whole communities I.Q. level just drops. This creates an environment equivalent of the Dark ages. Where anyone’s training philosophy comes in conflict with whatever is popular at that time.  A witch hunt ensues where anyone whom doest adheres   is attacked and shouted down.  It doesn’t seem to matter what that individuals experience or achievement level. Nothing is more humorous then seeing someone who can’t even bench 200 pounds telling a 400 plus pound bencher they are doing it wrong.  The more advance person is attacked because they aren’t   following the “Beginning strength for skinny North side angry Beavers 1/2/3” program.
                                                                                                          Death to all who will not convert

Another trend I've become aware of is certain sponsors of certain Message boards are starting to censor members of their boards. Not because what those posters are saying isn't wrong or poor advice. The censorship is more based on the fact that the posters are presenting philosophies regarding training which at times comes into direct conflict with the said philosophy or agenda of the sponsor of that message board.

To sum it all up this Blog is a repersation of my feelings toward to  current state of internet message boards…….

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Squat session.

Warm up: Pvc pipe
  Light stretching
Super set: Band GM's/Standing ab crunches

Squats: Bar x 2 x 10
             135 x 2 x 5
             215 x 5
              270 x 4
              320 x 3
              375 x 2
              430 x 1
              375 x 10........Had reps  in me still ,didnt want to push it.

Glute Ham raises: 3 x 10

Standing band crunches: 5 x 15

Well this session can be describe by one word SUCK. Can anyone say MORON ? Only 6 days out from the last Meet and im back at it again. At least I didnt get too stupid .


I would take time out and welcome everyone to The Dog Pound. My name is Donald Dog Deiwert. I am your average "hobby lifter"

                                                                               Old beat up Fat Bastard

 I'm 40 years old. Father of two boys 12,14 whom I  will rant about with  regularity . I'm married to a wonderful wife whom is H.B.I.C  whom keeps my old ass in line. 

I have been lifting on and off for twenty years played around with bodybuilding back as a teen and early 20's for a total of 6 years .. Until I pretty much got burned out on the whole thing and took my first break from serious lifting.

                                                                                                              19 years old AAU

 Also I played around with strongman for a short stent in my late 20's.

Soon after due to a shoulder injuries and family demands I pretty much stopped doing any serious lifting. During this period I became a broke down, weak  pathetic creature. Until I finally said Fuck it and got my shoulder  surgical repaired and got  back on the wagon .

 I have been back into lifting for little over three  years and a half years with my whole focus on power lifting . .
I currently compete drug free ( not that it matters)and unequipped in the USAPL and NASA.
                                                                        2012 USA NASA Nationals

 My current goals at present:
1 At this point just to get strong as shit again and hit a 1800 total without gear.
2. Maybe get a little Jacked
3. Not kill myself in the process 

 I am currently getting ready to compete again this coming October at the NASA Ohio Regional’s
 Where I hope to finally break into the top ten in the Masters unequipped rankings.

I have to warn anyone new that your not going to find anything ground breaking or magical in my blog regarding training. Other then a no Bull shit approach and hard work.Every once in awhile ( alright, quite often) I'll rant to vent over things that kinda bugs the hell out of me.Be it in regards to lifting or other life issues .

WARNING: I will be the first one to admit that I can be a ASSHOLE. If you can stand it maybe you as a reader , might gain something of value from this Blog. I plan on presenting my own views and opinions regarding training. Which Ive picked up over the years without allot of BULLSHIT. Which seems to be the standard anymore
NOTE: I'm not a writer nor do I claim to be......Nor am  I a  FUCKING GURU.