
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More strength maintenance and conditioning

Seated DB presses: 2 x 12 x someweight
Pulldowns: 100 reps rest pause fashion
Tate presses: 4 x 12 x some weight
poundstone curls


Monday, June 24, 2013

Odds and ends

Warm up: yep

Pause squats: few warm up sets
                     2 x 5 x 290
dead lifts: 185 x5
                230 x 4
                275 x 3
                320 x 2
                365 x 1
                 385 x 1
                 410 x 1
Shrugs: 225 x 100 done in a rest pause fashion

Nothing heavy ..just got some work in.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Back at it sorta

Incline Bench: 2 x 20 X bar
                      95 x 10
                       135 X5
                       160 x 4
                       190 x 3
                        210 x 2
                        220 x 1
                        250 x 1.....using really low training max

Pull downs: 100 total reps rest pause fashion to get reps in
Tate presses: 4 x 12 x some weight
Poundstone curls: 100 total reps same as pull downs

Right now I'm in a Strength maintenance and conditioning phase for the next 12 weeks.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Castrated Bulldog and Testosterone Replacement therapy

Nothing more then for show now.......

I haven’t brought this up on this blog but of course I haven’t been keeping up with posting on here very much as of late.

In the early part of May I had blood work done to conform  my suspension that  I might be having a issue with low  testosterone levels. Due to the symptoms that have been experience more frequency and intensify in recent months.  I had just assumed up to a point that it was due to aging to a point.

A. More specific symptoms and signs
• Reduced sexual desire (libido) and activity...YEP just ask the wife
• Decreased spontaneous erections.... what a erection??
• Breast discomfort, gynecomastia....NO thank God
• Loss of body (axillary and pubic) hair, reduced shaving>>>NO
• Very small (especially <5 ml) or shrinking testes.....  Not really
• Inability to father children, low or zero sperm count.... DONT KNOW…I was good at least 13 years ago
• Height loss, low trauma fracture, low bone mineral density… Not yet
• Hot flushes, sweats......... YEP

B. Other less specific symptoms and signs
• Decreased energy, motivation, initiative, and self-confidence... YEP, feel like I’m older than I really am.
• Feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, dysthymia.... SOMETIMES
• Poor concentration and memory...YEP
• Sleep disturbance, increased sleepiness.....YEP
• Mild anemia (normochromic, normocytic, in the female range)... slightly
• Reduced muscle bulk and strength.... YES and NO it’s hard to say
• Increased body fat, body mass index.... Yes defiantly notice an increase in my Body fat%
• Diminished physical or work performance...YEP

Won’t you know it! I was God Damn right in regards to my suspensions.

Long story short my leel was at 250 on a 280 – 800 lab scale. This is pretty damn low for even a man of my age. Basically I’m holding at a level which would be great if I was a 80 year old man. Obviously, for a guy like me who engages in strength sports as a hobby and a outlet to keep me sane. The whole situation is a abomination and is totally unacceptable by any sense of the imagination. Apparently there is a large % of men of my age who now of days who go what is known as Andropause which is somewhat similar to what women experience in regards to Menopause.

Of course being the way I am I’m not going to just accept this situation by any stretch of the imagination. Luckily my physician is more than willing to treat my current condition. Either through the use of a Andro gel or by the use of testosterone patches to raise my testosterone levels in my system. Of course being that it is my nature I have heavily researched the subject over the past month. If I have learned anything I have come to the conclusion that my current Doctor isn't honestly qualified for this I hesitate to call him clueless or incompetent in regards to “TRT” which would be very egotistical on my part.

     My main announces regarding his approach to this is that he is only offering me two options when there are several more. Along with the fact that he is only suggesting of raising my current level to barely to a mid range to raise my current symptoms and that is it, not even close to the level that a average level for my age has. This doesn't set at all with me; I view it as a damn band aid approach. Seriously, would you tell a patient with cholesterol in the 300 range that we can get you down to 200 but we are going to settle for 250? Along with the fact he might only deal with a hand full of men in my small community with the same issue .Along with the fact he’s pretty quick with setting up a prescription for Androgel , which in all reality it’s a little more complicated in the long run.

Seriously, this guy needs something stronger

After talking to a few gentlemen I know on line and in people who are either on TRT or are Heavy users of androgens  I've weighed my options.  I have set up an appointment in Indianapolis to get consultation at a medical clinic which deals with these types of issues. The clinic I will be going to specializes in dealing with sexual dysfunction in men without surgery and also does TRT on a daily bases. From talking with one of their clients I know the clinic meets most of the criteria which I have established based on the research I have done. Which are these.....

1. They actually want their clients at an optimal level which is almost double of which my current physician is even suggesting.
2. Several different treatment options
3. Experience in dealing with Low T level issues on a regular bases
4. Actual control and input regarding the patch of my treatment.

In regards to my preference on treatment I’m leaning heavily towards injections for several reasons

1. Cost, very cheap compared to the Andro gels by a huge margin
2. No, question in regards to absorption, which seems to be a issue with the gels ..
3. Easier and more accurate to regulate the dosage
4. No chance of any accidental contamination which has occurred in some cases with the trans dermal types

Yeah this will suck

Downside of injects :
1. Having to do intramuscular injections
2. Minor cost of needles and syringes along with their disposal
3. They tend to create more peaks and valleys in hormonal fluctuations.

In the long run hopefully over time I will see benefits of improvements in these areas.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Include:
Increase sex drive or libido….Oh my poor wife
Improve male sexual performance…..rock on
Enhance mood…. What no more being a Ass hole
Reduce depression… cool
Increase energy and vitality… I will take it
Increase bone density… always a plus
Improve fertility… Hmmm
Increase strength and endurance… Fuck yes
Regulate body fat distribution… Fuck yes twice
Increased body hair growth… I will pass on that one
Reduce risk of heart disease… that’s good
Improve overall enjoyment of life… That will remained to be seen.

My final decision to finally proceed with this course of action hasn't been as easy as one think. For most this would be nothing more than a medical decision for most. In some reality its nothing more than someone going on insulin for diabetes. Which has been pointed out to me by a certain individual whom I think was ready to smack me upside my head if he could, due to my hesitation.  Just by chance If he reading this he know what I’m talking about. In reality my hesitation stemmed from pride issues. It came down to me basically not wanting to admit to some type of physical weakness along with the notion that I am aging to a point.

On top of that that to a point I have to give up on the concept of actually being a natural competitive lifter. Which has been somewhat a small source of pride for me be it unfounded or not. This in itself is an issue for another time to address. In honesty I have the option to compete in my current tested Power lifting federation. Since the allow certain people to compete on androgens as long as medical documentation is provided and one  testosterone does not exceed  a certain established ratio.
Of course the dosages I will be taking prescribed by any physician that has been established in most TRT protocols are pretty low in reality. In that regard we are talking about levels which are damn near a 10th of what some serious performance enhancing drug cycles are.

Not even close

People reading this are probably will be asking will being on TRT give me a slight advantage over others? I have actual thought that myself and have asked around for input and the answers have been a mixed bag. The best I have come up with that boosting my levels to a higher level which are in the norms will be beneficial in the long run but nothing insane. In reality it would be nothing more to speculate at this point what true impact he will have on the long term outcome of my actual lifting. In retrospect I have no actual clue how long I have been running on a low level. In theory for all I know I might have been running on low levels ever since I started beck into serious lifting several years ago. So in reality I might have been competing at a hormonal disadvantage against even drug free guys. Regardless, things might really get interesting once I start getting my levels to a more optimal level.

Well….wish me luck.
Added  for those who don't agree with my choice .